AssignmentsWe are always working to improve our functionality. |
If you have a coupon or gift certificate, please let us know. When you purchase an item, there will be an option to leave us a note. Note: Please make sure the instructions you give us are exactly what you want
done. We follow instructions exactly as they are given to us. If we follow
the instructions as they are given to us and it is not what you wanted, you
will be charged for either a change ($8) or another assignment; which one you are charged depends on how
much of the assignment is done when the correct instructions are given to us.
Also, all assignments MUST be reasonable. The size of the assignment will affect
the time it will take to get it done as we will not risk our employees getting
carpel tunnel syndrome or anything else that might affect their work. There are a few assignment prices. |
An assignment can be typing, creating graphics, helping somebody learn an electronic device, helping somebody learn a program, or helping somebody find the best quality product at the best price. We also offer proofreading services of documents, websites, blogs, and social media posts (with the exception of social media with limited characters for posting which make it difficult to write with quality spelling and grammar). |