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If you have a coupon or gift certificate, please let us know. When you purchase an item, there will be an option to leave us a note.
In the note, let us know that you have a coupon. One of us will respond via email as soon as possible. As soon as you get the email, please send us the coupon via email and we will give you a refund in the amount of the coupon. If the coupon is for an amount that is more than the item costs, we will give you a refund in the amount of the item plus another coupon in the amount that is left from the original coupon. We are currently working on a more convenient system for you. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience

If you want something researched, we will do the research for you. When we research something, we are very thorough in finding what needs to be found, including comparisons, reviews, etc. While the majority of research is usually done on the computer, we are willing and able to research other forms of media as well. Because we like to do a thorough job on the research, it tends to be very time consuming which is why the research is the same price as the electronics help.